Thursday, May 22, 2014

Something of a god Complex

I entitled this post with a little "g" in "god", as not to confuse with the Creator of all things.

As an artist (I'm reclaiming this, as I am returning to my love of drawing) and wordsmith, I have the self-assigned responsibility of creating quality work. My last post ("Writing: Illusionary Magic in the Mind's Eye") was about the magic of storytelling. Consider this a followup. Just as a comedian hones his craft to not only get laughs but also inform the audience on the sly (medicine goes down easier with a spoonful of sugar weasels--LOL!), an artist demands the amazement of the onlooker and a writer, the turning of the next page.

I am quite notorious for my twisted sense of humor, which leads to impromptu posts on Facebook. My sister called me one day and I was still giggling from something I'd put out. She said, "You really do find the stuff you post funny, don't you?"

What could I say? If I don't find my comedic stuff hilarious, neither will my audience.

The same goes for the stories I write. If I don't find them interesting, neither will you.

I've been asked for years and years why I've never gotten into sports. Part of it was because my father put more emphasis on martial arts training (as he is an avid chess player and sensei of several schools of martial science) than watching the game. As a kid, I played neighborhood softball, basketball and other stuff. However, as an adult, I never saw the need to follow a team with the zeitgeist of a religious experience. I root for my Chicago teams (hell to the YEAH!) but I'm more caught up in creating my own universe than how much so-and-so's contract is paying over the next 5 years. That doesn't equal money in my pocket.

Just as I emphasized the little "g" in "god", I'm not knocking sports fans in the slightest. I just have other things on my character creating book keeping my readers entertained and informed. Does that give me a god complex? Maybe a little. But then, God crafted me in His own image, therefore I create...

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